Monday, December 13, 2010

First One

There a song by Dave Crowder I listen to and it has these lines in it.(in videos Jan 20)

You make everything glorious
and I am Your's
so what does that make me.

Think about all the amazing things on this planet, the animals, trees, mountains, rivers etc. Then expand that thought to take in the universe's beauty and awe. 
How special are we, He made it all and loves us so much that He made us in His image. We are Glorious!!!

Lord I just want to thank you, for these everyday miracles I see as I go about my day. For the people that touch my life here and overseas for the friends I have past present and future. Lord, it humbles me and lifts me to know that it is through Your glory and love that I have what I have,  I am who I am and the Glory belongs to You Father. 
In the Name of Your Glorious Son   Amen